Welcome to Bloggers Connect!

3:45 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 62 Comments »

Nice to have you!

I hope this will become a place where we gain a little blog recognition, give kudos to other bloggers and have a little fun.

Fun things to do with your blog:

Get involved in the fun. If you look around, you can find ways to gain exposure everywhere. Check out other blogs, and get involved with blogging activities like Virtual Girls Night Out over at Ann's blog on Friday Nights, Wordless Wednesday or Friday Fragments over at Half Past Kissin' Time.

A *NEW* meme

Field Trip Friday!
If you have been on a field trip with your child, whether with school or because you home school...Share!


I think it's time to give the guy bloggers some recognition. I think they are the underdogs here, and the under read!

So, while you're out there checking out blogs, take note of the guy bloggers. If you find any good ones, leave a comment!

I JUST found this one:

Being Michaels Daddy: http://www.beingmichaelsdaddy.com/

Check it out.

A cool blog: Daddee Yah! It has some really great pics (you'all know we LOVE them!) So go CHECK IT OUT! Give some bloggy love to the guys!

I love this blog- Cake Blast. Larry, the blog owner, has tons of give aways going on. I entered several for a new vacuum!

Stefen, Over at Dad Today has some great pics on his blog

Found another one! And I get to meet this wonderful guy soon- he belongs to my network marketing group. Check out his fundraiser at JoshShear.com

Mike at Free Samples Without Survey's has tons of freebies! We LOVE Free!

Check out Otin over at Wizard of Otin- powerful story on 11/13. Check it out!

Eve suggested: Scotty Graham's Photo Blog

Scotty has a photoblog where he posts a photo every day - and every day his photo is astounding!

Gladys suggested these two:

Wizard of otin (recommended for the second time!) and

VE's Fantastical Nonsense - funny guy!

This guys needs a little blog love- go give him some:



Please list your give-aways in the comments section. Remember to put the expiration date .

Do me a favor- if you haven't done so yet, add your link to Mr. Linky below



Been M.I.A.!

2:40 PM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 9 Comments »
Sorry I haven't been as attentive as I should be here- if you read my other blog, Working in my jammies and lovin' it you know I spend alot of time in doctors offices. Then , I need to play catch-up with work, house stuff & blogs.

This past week has been no exception. My 11 yr. old has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Besides the normal trip to the arthritis doctor she had strep throat this week, so she had to go to her pediatrician. I had an appt. with my podiatrist today. So with that and really buckling down with work (trying to hit a promotion before convention in July), well I've been a little ...ummm...missing. Sorry!

Anyway, one thing I have learned about us bloggers is we love to give stuff away AND we love to win stuff. So with that said, I figured from now until June 15th, we'll list all the give-aways we find.

So, if you have a give-away, let us know in the comments, and I'll list them here on the blog.

Hey, you never know- I won a cake plate and some Finish brand dish washer tablet thing-a-majigies!

Prize List:

Working in my jammies and lovin' it (Me) Hop on over to my website to enter to win the book, "First Aid For Babies and Children Fast.

Ok, and don't forget our friend Mr. Linky- if you haven't already put your link, why not do it now?


I've been nominated! Check it out!

6:34 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 3 Comments »
Pastor Sharon over at Dances with God nominated me for an award-The Attitude of Gratitude award- check out the lemonade stand on the left! Thanks Pastor Sharon!

The Rules of Accepting and Sharing this Award

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude

3. Link to your nominees within your post

4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they’ve received this award

5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.

Tell us how you’ve come to have an attitude of gratitude.

I was also warded the same award on my other blog, Working in jammies and lovin' it.

I listed 10 blogs and how I got my attitude of gratitude over on that site. And now.... some food blogs.



More to come.....

Don't forget, if you haven't added your link to Mr. Linky yet, you should now!


Great ways to get your blog out there

4:51 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 12 Comments »
One way to get your blog "noticed" is to go to other blogs! Visit them, read them and leave comments! When you leave comments, your username becomes a link that others can click , which will take them to your blog. One thing bloggers love is other blogs, so there is a good chance if you are getting out there & leaving comments, someone will check out your blog.

If you are new to blogging, you are probably wondering where to get blogs to read? There are several ways to do this. One way is to google it. If you are a stay-at-home mom looking for blogs from other SAHM's, just google "blogs & stay at home moms" and you will get more than you could ever read in a life time. I suggest taking a few blogs, reading them, and then look at the sidebar of those blogs for a list of links that the author reads (like we did when I started this blog). Before you know it, you are well on your way.

Here are a few sites to check out to help get your blog noticed.





Don't forget to participate in the Virtual Girls Night Out on Friday nights. Check it out- you leave your link on Mr. Linky, then visit (or try to) visit all the other links there.


Does anyone know of other blog parties or sites to share blogs?

For next week, let's look for the best cooking/food blog- yum, yum!

Don't forget, if you haven't added your link to Mr. Linky yet, you should now!


Some funny blogs have I found

5:49 AM Posted In , Edit This 24 Comments »
Here are some funny blogs I found this past week:




...and some I've been following:

http://bethsix.wordpress.com/ This is on my blogroll and she really cracks me up. She's due (or had?) for a baby and hasn't been on in a couple of weeks, but I'm sure she'll be back.

http://bernthis.typepad.com/bernthiscom/ This is one of my favorites on my blog roll

Here's a totally funny post I just found: No Nursing Home For Me!


Here are some blogs that our readers submitted:

Gaston Studio said...

I would highly recommend Michel at


She totally cracks me up on a daily basis, both in her blogs and in her comments!

Cindy Shepard said...

Thanks for sharing these..one I like is http://ihasahotdog.com/

Funny dog pictures!!!

Rebecca Anne said:

*rubs my hands together* I do love a funny blog!

One I'd mention is http://www.polymerclaysnails.blogspot.com/

Crystall said:

Started following you last week and would like to add http://themeanestmom.blogspot.com/

The writer Jana has a lot of followers already, but I really laugh out loud at her entries. She is definately worthy of being included in your "funny blog" list.

And finally- found this very funny post the other day:


Does anyone else have a funny blog to share?

For next week, I thought it would be fun to check out other ways to promote our blogs.

I participated in a Virtual Girls Night Out last Friday night. I believe it goes on every Friday. Check it out- you leave your link on Mr. Linky, then visit (or try to) visit all the other links there. here's the link:


Also PLEASE check out the links on Mr. Linky , go to the blogs listed and leave some comments. Also, add your link.


Here are some new blogs I found this week

4:13 PM Posted In , , Edit This 8 Comments »
Been pretty busy, but here are a few blogs I found this week:







Anybody have any other links to add?

For next week:

What makes you laugh? Lets look for funny blogs!

Add your link to Mr. Linky!

So, the links are in...if not, let's have them!

5:46 AM Posted In , , , , Edit This 7 Comments »
If you decided to participate in the 7 link blog challenge (see former post), it's time to let us know what blogs you visited. This is how I'm going to list them. Your name & blog link, followed by the blog links you found. Like I said before, don't worry if the blog is already listed, put it anyway if you like it.

Put the links in the comments and I will add them here.

Ok ,here are mine:

Carolee Working In My Jammies And Lovin' It

My Blessed Life

The un-organized mom

To think is to create

I should be folding laundry

Secret Agent Josephine


Playgroups are not a place for children!


Fortress of Solitute found these great sites!

Confessions of a moody mommy

Diaries of a Domestic Godess

The not-so-blog

Momma's gone over the wall

And so we laugh

The Adventures of Supermom

I thought for this week, it would be fun to visit new blogs (1 day- 6 months old) and find our favorites.

If you are new to blogging, let me know and I will put your link on the site.

4:57 AM Posted In , , , , Edit This 14 Comments »
If you are a regular follower of my other blog. Working in my jammies and lovin' it, you most likely know why I started this blog. Since getting serious about my blogging several months ago, I have run into so many great blogs- too many to put on my blogroll! So, I decided to share the great blogs I have found & invite you to do so also.

My intentions are to have a weekly "activity" for my guests to do, and share the links of the blogs visited while doing the said activity. I think it will be a lot of fun, and this will help get your blog "out there" in the great blogosphere.

The brainchild for this site happened after I got caught up in reading blogs one night. I had started with my blogroll. For some reason, I was reading one of my faves when a certain title on THEIR bollroll caught my eye. I clicked on it, read it, and looked at the titles on THAT blogroll. And so it continued until about 2 a.m.! I didn't want to stop!

So I started this- I figured it would be a great way to collect a lot of links so I never run out of good stuff to read! And as I said earlier, it helps others get their blog noticed.

I had a few technical difficulties getting my template to load, family stuff, etc...got a tad bit distracted.

Then, The Ultimate Blog Party hit, and I got furthur distracted. Got to read tons of blogs and want to get back to read more.

So now everything seems to be set and I'm ready to go! I hope you will join me!

For this week, I thought it would be cool to do the very thing that go this all started! So here goes:

Starting with your blog, click on one of the blogs on your blogroll. Leave a comment that you are connecting with them through Bloggers Connect.

From there, visit a blog that is on their blogroll. Leave the same comment at that blog.

Again visit a blog from THEIR blog roll, lv. a comment.

Do that until you have seven links. Why seven? Five didn't seem to be enough, ten seemed to be too many. Compromise!

Mention this in a blogpost this week. I haven't made a button yet, but the backtrack link is :


Put a link to your blog on Mr. Linky to show you are participating. Leave a comment here with your seven links. Don't worry if one you found is already listed- that just shows who's really got it going on!

And, have F-U-N!